About Us
Both Johnny Gato and Taylor Patton grew up in Florida and are now raising their own families, with 4 children each all under the age of 10. Through raising young, active, families and spending all of their time on beautiful Florida lakes, endless miles of beach & the blue waters of the Bahamas, they realized a need; how can we keep our family protected and enjoy every month of the year without a screen or air-conditioning. Johnny owning a thriving Pest Control company for over 30 years & Taylor a Health Care Executive working around the globe, sought to find a solution for their own families.
Taking existing products and refining them for their own homes over the last 18 months and through countless changes to customized programs; they build not a product but an ecosystem offering a program that allows them to be confident in their mission: Create a new outdoor experience, by extending the comforts of the inside to the outside; through integrity, passion and the highest quality program on the market. They both created a solution selfishly for their own comfort and now believe quite passionately about bringing it to others.